Online Slug Generator is the best tool for webmasters to make SEO friendly URLs. By using this tool, you can make URLs that are human readable and Search Engine friendly. It is recommended to keep URLs simple, short and descriptive.To separate words you should use hyphens and try to use small letters instead of capital letters. When you use this tool, then you will get the optimized version of URLs instantly.
It is a very simple process, suppose you are optimizing the blog posts of your website, and it has very complicated URLs with some special characters. To remove special characters from the URLs and make into lowercase, you can use this tool. Copy the heading, for example: "How to Optimize the Website?" and put into this tool to get SEO friendly Slug. This tool converts your heading into this slug: "how-to-optimize-the-website", which is more human readable and easy to remember.
For future use, you can bookmark this page and try our meta description pixel checker to optimize your Page Title and Meta Description.